Covid In Chaos

Wash Me With Your Water

Light In The Darkness

Father’s Love

Paint Pour Cross

Hello there and thank you for visiting my website!

Just a bit about myself. My name is Laura Mann and I am an abstract, concept art and paint pouring artist. I paint with watercolors and acrylics and love to sketch and draw. I like to listen to music and get inspiration for my paintings from them. I like to take concepts and turn them into visuals that make people think and bring joy.

I discovered my love for creating art when I was 12.  Throughout the years I have created and shared my art with friends and family but I never thought it would be possible to make a living from it.  Then in 2019, God told me to share my art with the world so here we finally are!   I believe God gives us our gifts and we are to use them for His glory and to serve the purpose He has given us.

I do all of this to bring glory to God! One day in April of 2019, I was home alone, in my kitchen at the counter when I felt a push on my back. I was literally pushed into the kitchen counter. When I looked up, there was Jesus right in front of me! Behind him was a painting and a paint brush. I don’t know how long I was standing there staring at Him but what I was told (it wasn’t audible) was to paint to spread His Word. I have always been a Christian and have heard of people seeing Jesus, but I didn’t know what to do with that until it happened to me! I wasn't creating much at the time, so I started to and in doing so created images I never knew I had in me! Because of my literal pushing to create for Him, I began to pray for Him to guide my hand and make it clear what He wants me to paint. I began to "see" things on blank pages and canvases. Ideas and images flooded my brain. I prayed again and asked Him to slow it down, it was a lot to take in! I have OCD and get anxiety if I can't focus. When I prayed for less He gave me less. He allowed me to concentrate and focus on a couple things at a time. When I accomplish those, He gives me more. It's amazing!

The first painting I felt Him involved with was "Covid In Chaos". This painting is for sale on the website. The next one was "Wash Me With Your Water". It's on the website but no longer for sale. The concept for this painting came to me after prayer and listening to "Addict With A Pen" by Twenty One Pilots. I sold it at an craft show. The woman that bought this painting said her son needed it. He had to have it in his room where he could see it every single day. Look at the image and listen to the song. To me, it is very powerful.

The third painting is "Light In The Darkness", also on my website. I sold it to a couple at the craft show. I had just finished it a few weeks before the show. The couple that bought it wanted it so bad. I felt a connection with the man right away. I could feel what he was feeling about the painting. He said his mother needed to have it before she dies. They didn't know how much longer she was going to live but she had to see it and then they would keep it to remember her. Look at the painting and remember this story. After selling these 2 paintings, I had to remove myself from the area to go pray. It was so intense!

In 2020, I discovered the art of paint pouring and fell in love with it! I don't know if God sent me in this direction also, but I have decided that I do it just for me. I have slowly been combining my love for God and His word with paint pouring. Every paint pour that I have done may have had God involved in it, but I feel only one of them that I have done comes directly from Him like the others, and that one is “Father's Love”. That one is not for sale either and can only be seen on my Instagram and Facebook pages. God commissioned it for someone as a gift. It came to me after hearing a song from church and prayer.

So yes, now I say God commissioned me to paint this or that. You'll see me say that on my Instagram and Facebook all the time. If you see something that He has commissioned, it may have been for you! ;)

(I have links to my Instagram and Facebook at the top of this page)

Art spreads joy and we sure do need more joy in our lives right now.  If you find you need more joy in your life, buy some art!   I have pieces of all sizes and am available to make you a custom, original work of art just for you! You can contact me directly or on my social media. Please do stop by and say hi to me!

All paintings for sale are unframed but ready to hang in your space!  If you have any questions please contact me. 

Much love and blessings to you all!

Laura Mann